Sunday 13 April 2008

By way of a postscript

All crises have their lighter side although sometimes it is hard to appreciate it when you are up to your midriff in alligators. The current C.A.T.H. problems are no exception although sometimes the humour is rather darker than normal. The problem is that I can't share any of it with you until the clouds start to clear from C.A.T.H's future, which could still be some time yet.

Suffice it to say that while the swans are paddling around serenely pretending nothing is wrong, there is an awful lot of paddling going on everywhere. Facts are coming to light, some of them quite surprising and some, I'm afraid, quite disturbing. Questions are being asked and answered and slowly the realisation is dawning that things have got to, and will, change for the better.

So if you have a glass, raise it in a toast to the future of C.A.T.H., for it most surely has a very good one.

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