Saturday, 5 April 2008

Why we are here

We are here because the blog template on the main C.A.T.H. website is a rather primitive one, for example it does not appear to allow comments and there does not seem to be a way (should we need it) to restrict input to Members only.

And there is a second reason. C.A.T.H. is currently living in what the Chinese would call "interesting times". Putting this blog offsite from the C.A.T.H. website allows C.A.T.H. Members to use it independently of the C.A.T.H. site, a facility which may become important in the next few months. To access it directly, simply use the "add to favourites" facility to be found on the standard toolbar above, or copy and paste the address to your brower's favourites list.

More about this later. For the time being enjoy Grand National afternoon. My favourite? Its got to be either Hedgehunter or Opera Mundi. It certainly isn't Slim Pickings (no mean musician) or Fundamentalist, or Comply or Die or Mr Pointment. But I could be wrong. On the other hand I rather fancy Ossmoses. Back later.

1 comment:

haveyoursay said...

Firstly, I feel it needs to be said that this is an incredibly inappropriate way to be discussing CATH business. No organisation goes without its problems and I am in no way suggesting that the problems experienced within CATH over recent months have not left their mark. But please, CATH is a supportive organisation that promotes respectful conduct by everyone involved. I cannot believe that a member of this organisation would want it to be shown in such a light. Yes, we want a transparent organisation but I think the fact that this 'member' keeps their name hidden (although not the names of others involved as you will have noticed)to be quite the opposite of transparent! Reading this page made me feel really sad. I cannot believe that such an organisation would want readers to see this. Senior Management and Board Members must know that this exists and to support it is, in my opinion, completly abhorrent. For anyone who truly believes in CATH, being the progressive organisation that it is, then surely you want the best for it. To display the inner politics of it across the web is just unbelievable and highly unprofessional. This 'member' must be known to such individuals and I would urge you to remove the page. Please, in the end CATH exists to advocate on behalf of, and provide a much needed service to, homeless people across P&K. What this page does is completely undermine all the hard work which goes on (and quite frankly makes a sham of everything CATH stands for - or everything I thought it stood for). I worked for CATH previously and so also have my opinions about certain situations over recent months. Is the Internet the place to voice these? No, it's not. To do so would be detrimental to the whole organisation. What happens then? The service users suffer. I cannot believe such a highly professional organisation has allowed this to go on. Perhaps what is happening is that those involved aren't quite as professional as they proclaim to be. I only hope that those still involved with CATH will review this page and make the decision to remove it.